I collapsible gates pantograph for large and small sizes are indicated in all those places that require a valid defense at all times and represent an effective anti-theft system, allowing you to live in a state of tranquility in your home, while leaving open windows and shutters to facilitate the passage of air and light inside the environment. Aiello Sicurser extendable gates are also indicated as closures or divisions of shops, warehouses and other environments that need to be protected.
- Easy to be installed without any masonry work
- Three-point locking
- Effective burglary attempt protection
- It lets air and light to pass through in the site
- Suitable for closing or dividing shops, stores and other premises requiring protection
- The layer is manufactured with galvanized steel channels, linked by strong pantographs in several thicknesses
- Lateral folding encumbrance is not above the 25% of total width
- 90° and 180° rotating possibility on the part or retractable in the masonry
- Installation manual